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FWJ Sustainable Production

It's all about how you wear

Infrastructure Sustainability

We are the factory. TCRmg - International Trading Company.

Our factory buildings are designed to reduce long term carbon emission keeping in mind energy efficiency with lean production management systems & automation in all areas of production and inventory management.

    Sustainable Building Structures:
  • Factory built with sustainable building material with thermal insulation wherever necessary.
    Sustainable Electricals:
  • Grid & Bus bar planning to save internal power transmission losses
  • Total LED lighting (except in QC areas) combined with planned “day” lighting saving power.
    Sustainable Air Conditioning:
  • AC Compressors use electromagnets with a starting load of 2 Amps and zero use of lubricants.
    Solar Power:
  • Our factory is located at Netaji Apparel Park, which by itself produces 3.4 Mega Watts of Green Solar energy making our location a green power zone. In addition, we have roof top solar power production to sustain our indirect power requirements out of green energy.
    Vertical Gardens:
  • Installations of vertical gardens acts as an insulation of external wall heating, reducing power consumption on account of cooling.
    Water & Sewage Recycling:
  • All wastewater is recycled and reused on the premises to water the vertical garden. The sewage is treated in a common sewage treatment plant using solar power.
It's all about how you wear

Product Sustainability

    Knitting & Sewing Division:
  • Molecular strength enhancements of all knitting & sewing machine parts that encounter friction like needles and cams. This procedure ensures longer usability without replacement.
    Raw Material, Processing:
  • We are progressing towards the total use of recycled raw material to manufacture knitwear. The usage of recycled cotton-polyester, acrylic, wool etc. eliminates the dyeing process contributing to the production of the finished merchandise with reduced carbon emissions. The water used in any process during manufacturing is recycled contributing to sustainability.